segunda-feira, 29 de setembro de 2008

Up and down / Para cima e para baixo

Caption: Skin deep
Legenda: Superficial

Birds that don't sow or reap display their beauty to the world and rarely go back to the sky. They belong to the ground, as good as the ones who please them. People stare and cannot look away because they want to be just like the birds and only death will stop them from doing it. Nobody wants to go where the eagles dare - something keeps them down.

Os pássaros que não semeiam nem colhem exibem suas belezas para o mundo e raramente voltam para o céu. Eles pertencem ao solo, tanto quanto aqueles que os agradam. As pessoas olham fixamente e não conseguem desviar o olhar pois querem ser como os pássaros e somente a morte os impedirá de fazerem isso. Ninguém quer ir onde as águias ousam ir - algo os mantém embaixo.

Um comentário:

akazooken disse...

The wind beneath, seemingly lifting your whole body. That slight acrophobic sensation that sends chills down your spine. The thrill of being bound by nothing but air. And that fleeting moment that makes you feel truly alive. Tell me, what do you think is the difference between flying and falling?

Those who choose to fall don't always do so to feel the pain of hitting the ground. Some choose to jump to know what it's like to soar up into the air, even for just a while.

In that sense, perhaps we truly all want to be birds. But we are too afraid to show our true colors and soar as high as we can.

Wish you well Luke!