Caption: Stone Age
A aparência brilhante e distinta e a beleza impecável são as principais características da preciosidade de uma pedra. Pessoas são avaliadas com base nesses mesmos atributos todos os dias. Seres humanos não são pedras, é claro. No entanto, eles insistem em criar conceitos petrificados com padrões feitos de pedra. Esses conceitos são belos e tão interessantes à primeira vista, mas eles nunca mudarão, logo, o mais importante seria o que está pelo lado de fora. Perspicaz é o Bardo que disse, “Minha coroa está no coração, não na minha cabeça”.
Distinctive brilliant appearance and a flawless beauty are the main features of a gemstone preciosity. People are sized up by these same attributes everyday. Human beings aren’t stones, obviously. Yet, they insist to create petrified concepts with patterns made of stone. These concepts look beautiful and so interesting at first sight, but they will never change, so the most important thing would be what is outside. Witty is the Bard who said, “My crown is in my heart, not in my head”.
Distinctive brilliant appearance and a flawless beauty are the main features of a gemstone preciosity. People are sized up by these same attributes everyday. Human beings aren’t stones, obviously. Yet, they insist to create petrified concepts with patterns made of stone. These concepts look beautiful and so interesting at first sight, but they will never change, so the most important thing would be what is outside. Witty is the Bard who said, “My crown is in my heart, not in my head”.