Senhora LiberdadeCaption:
Lady LibertyMuitos filósofos foram condenados por suas próprias idéias pela sociedade em que viveram. Mas as acusações, as afrontas e as dificuldades que passaram não os impediram de ficar firmes pelo que acreditavam, pois, dentro de si mesmos, eles eram livres. Não que essa liberdade possibilitasse fazer tudo que quisessem, mas que pudessem ir atrás de tudo o que acreditassem.
Many philosophers were condemned because of their own ideas by the society where they lived. But accusations, reproaches and troubles that they went through didn’t hinder themselves from standing up for what they believe, because they were free inside themselves. This freedom wouldn’t mean that they could do whatever they felt like doing it, but it meant that they could go after everything they believed.